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Other useful software in connection with LispMe

Icon AsciiChart Webpage John Valdés Freeware View the Pilot's character codes and fonts
Icon FileZ Webpage Unknown Freeware File/Database browser, also allows beaming sessions.
Icon Hackmaster Webpage Edward Keyes Shareware Needed for Parentheses Hack
Icon HanDBase Webpage DDH Software Commercial A full featured database application. LispMe can read and write HanDBase record.
None MathLib Webpage Rick Huebner Freeware Needed for transcendental functions (sqrt, sin) in LispMe, it's meanwhile the standard library used by many applications needing those functions.
Icon McColors Webpage Michael J. McCollister Freeware View grayscale and color palette.
None Parentheses hack Webpage Fred Bayer Freeware Blink matching parentheses on entry
Icon pedit Webpage Paul Nevai Shareware A full-featured source code editor. Should replace MemoPad.
Icon RsrcEdit Webpage Roger Lawrence (Unsupported) Shareware/0$ View and edit user interface resources (and other databases) directly on the Pilot without need for a desktop computer.
Icon X-Master Webpage LinkeSOFT GmbH Freeware Replacement for Hackmaster