Category | Library procedure | ||||||
Format | (abs num) | ||||||
Parameters |
Description | abs computes the absolute value of num. The type of the result is the same as the argument's, with the exception of -16384, as it is not representable as an integer and therefore coerced to a float. | ||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure (MathLib required) | ||||||||||||
Format | (acos z) | ||||||||||||
Parameters |
Description | acos computes the arc cosine of z
in radians.
For complex arguments z = x + yi,
the formula |
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure (MathLib required) | ||||||||||||
Format | (acosh z) | ||||||||||||
Parameters |
Description | acosh computes the hyperbolic arc cosine
of z.
For complex arguments z = x + yi,
the formula |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Special form | |||||||||
Format | (and expr1 ...) | |||||||||
Parameters |
Description | and evaluates the expri in left to right order. If any expression is false, the evaluation is finished. In any case, the value of the last expression evaluated is returned. Remember that '() is considered true in LispMe. | |||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | |||||||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure (MathLib required) | |||||||||
Format | (angle z) | |||||||||
Parameters |
Description | angle computes the angle of the number z. The angle is always in the range -pi (exclusive) and pi (inclusive). See also atan. | |||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | |||||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure | ||||||||||||
Format | (append listi ...) | ||||||||||||
Parameters |
Description | append creates a list consisting of all the elements of the listi in the order of the arguments. The original lists are not modified, but the last list is not copied and shares structure with the result. | ||||||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure | ||||
Format | (apply procedure arglist) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | apply calls procedure passing
each element in arglist to
procedure. The result of calling
procedure is returned. apply is especially useful when dealing with procedures with variable length argument lists, see examples. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure (MathLib required) | ||||||||||||
Format | (asin z) | ||||||||||||
Parameters |
Description | asin computes the arc sine of z
in radians.
For complex arguments z = x + yi,
the formula |
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure (MathLib required) | |||||||||
Format | (asinh z) | |||||||||
Parameters |
Description | asinh computes the hyperbolic arc sine
of z.
For complex arguments z = x + yi,
the formula |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||||||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedures | ||||||||||||
Formats |
Parameters |
Description | These procedures return the first element in alist, whose car is obj. If none is found, #f is returned. To compare obj with the keys, assoc uses equal?, assq uses eq?, and assv uses eqv?. | ||||||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure (MathLib required) | ||||||||||||
Format |
Parameters |
Description | atan computes the arc tangent
of z in radians.
For complex arguments z = x + yi,
the formula With the second form, the result is an angle whose tangent is y/x, but the signs of the arguments decide which of the two angles differing by pi is returned. It's the same value as (angle (make-rectangular x y)) |
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure (MathLib required) | |||||||||
Format | (atanh z) | |||||||||
Parameters |
Description | atanh computes the hyperbolic arc tangent
of z.
For complex arguments z = x + yi,
the formula |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||||||||
Examples |
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