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Alphabetic catalog of Language elements M


macro replaces an expression with another one at compile time.

Category Special form
(macro (var arg) expr1 expr2 ...)
var a variable name to be used as the keyword of a new special form
arg a symbol bound to the original expression
expri the expressions which are evaluated in the extended environment when the macro is expanded.
Description macro creates a new special form with keyword var.

When compiling an expression whose first subexpression is a symbol and this symbol is bound by an macro definition, the entire expression (unevaluated) is bound to the parameter arg and the expri are evaluated in order from left to right. The last expri should evaluate to another expression, which is compiled instead of the original expression.

As macro expansions can't be interrupted by the Break button for technical reasons, there are two limits:

  • a macro single expansion may take only a limited number of VM steps.
  • the number of macro expansions during a single compilation is limited, too
If you find these limits (indicated by this error) too restrictive, please email me at

macro-definitions are allowed at top-level only, not inside other expressions.

Macros may be recursive.

The return value of a macro definition is #n in this implementation.

R4RS Compliance LispMe extension, but according to several other macro systems
(macro (my-or expr)
  (let ((name (gensym)))
    (cond ((null? (cdr expr)) #f)
          ((null? (cddr expr)) (cadr expr))
          (else `(let ((,name ,(cadr expr)))
                   (if ,name ,name
                     (my-or ,@(cddr expr))))))))
=> creates a special form my-or, which behaves exactly like or. Note the usage of gensym to create a new temporary name to avoid name clashes with other symbols and how to take advantage of the quasiquote syntax.


macro? recognizes macros.

Category Primitive procedure
Format (macro? obj)
objany object
Description macro? returns #t for a macro created by the macro special form and #f for any other object.
R4RS Compliance Full
(macro? (lambda (x) x)) => #f
(macro? my-or) => #t, assuming the definition above is used


magnitude computes the magnitude of a complex number.

Category Native procedure (MathLib required)
Format (magnitude z)
zany number
Description magnitude computes the magnitude (or absolute value) of the number z.
R4RS Compliance Full
(magnitude 5) => 5
(magnitude -1) => 1
(magnitude 0.5+2i) => 2.06155281280883


make-client-socket creates a client socket.

Category Native procedure
Format (make-client-socket host port)
hosta string
portan integer
Description make-client-socket creates a stream socket and connects it to host host at port port. Host can be a symbolic name (like "") which will be resolved by the DNS configured for the Palm's IP connection, or a numeric IP address written as a string like "".

To retrieve the ports connected to this socket use socket-input and socket-output.

Currently only stream sockets are supported.

R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(make-client-socket "localhost" 4711) => [socket 1] provided there is a server process running


make-date creates a date value.

Category Native procedure
Format (make-date y m d)
yan integer 1904..2031
man integer 1..12
dan integer 1..31
Description make-date creates a date value from year, month, and date. Currently, the arguments are not checked, so don't be surprised by the results from PalmOS on illegal parameters...
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(make-date 1966 1 11) => [date 11. Jan 1966]


make-polar constructs a complex number from a magnitude and angle.

Category Primitive procedure (MathLib required)
Format (make-polar mag ang)
maga real number
anga real number
Description make-polar constructs a complex number from the magnitude mag and the angle ang.
R4RS Compliance Full
(make-polar 5 -2) => -2.08073418273571-4.546487134412841i
(eqv? (make-polar 7.2 1.8) 7.2@1.8) => #t


make-rectangular constructs a complex number from the real and imaginary part.

Category Primitive procedure (MathLib required)
Format (make-rectangular re im)
rea real number
ima real number
Description make-rectangular constructs a complex number from the real part re and the imaginary part re.
R4RS Compliance Full
(make-rectangular 5 -2) => 5-2i
(make-rectangular -1.1 0) => -1.1


make-strarr creates a PalmOS string array.

Category Native procedure
Format (make-strarr list)
lista proper list
Description make-strarr prints all elements in list in human-readable format (see display) and creates a string array in internal PalmOS format.

The string array foreign datatype is normally used internally for holding the list items in a user interface List control, but it may be occasionally usefull for application programs, too.

R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(make-strarr '(gold silver bronze)) => [strarr 3]


make-string creates a new string.

Category Native procedure
Format (make-string len char)
lena positive integer
chara character
Description make-string creates a newly allocated string of length len, where each character is initialized to char.
R4RS Compliance Fill char is required
(make-string 5 #\x) => "xxxxx"


make-time creates a time value.

Category Native procedure
Format (make-time h m)
han integer 0..23
man integer 0..59
Description make-time creates a time value from hour and minute. There are no seconds in a PalmOS time, sorry :-(
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(make-time 18 40) => [time 6.40 pm]


make-ts creates a timestamp.

Category Native procedure
Format (make-ts num)
numan integer
Description make-ts creates a timestamp value from the number of seconds since January 1st 1904, midnight (the base of PalmOS date calculations).
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(make-ts 3000000000) => [ts 1999-01-24-05-20-00]


make-vector creates a new vector.

Category Native procedure
Format (make-vector len fill)
lena positive integer
fillany object
Description make-vector creates a newly allocated vector of length len, where each element is initialized to fill.
R4RS Compliance Fill value is required
(make-vector 3 'havanna) => #(havanna havanna havanna)


map applies a procedure to each element of a list.

Category Library procedure
Format (map proc list)
proca procedure of one argument
lista proper list
Description map creates a newly allocated lists, where each element is the result of applying proc to the corresponding element of list.
R4RS Compliance Supports only one list
(map (lambda (x) (* x x)) '(2 3 4 5)) => (4 9 16 25)


max returns the largest of some objects.

Category Library procedure
Format (max comp1 comp2 ...)
compia comparable object
Description max returns the largest of some objects, according to the > procedure. Note that max handles chars and strings, too. At least one object must be specified.
R4RS Compliance Full and works for strings and characters, too.
(max 50 30 10 80) => 80
(max "Baz" "Foo") => "Foo"

member memq memv

member, memq, and memv search lists for an element.

Category Native procedures
(member obj list)
(memq obj list)
(memv obj list)
objany object
lista proper list
Description These procedures return the first sublist of list, whose car is obj. If none is found, #f is returned. To compare obj with the car, member uses equal?, memq uses eq?, and memv uses eqv?.
R4RS Compliance Full
(member 'b '(a b c d)) => (b c d)
(member 'c '(a b)) => #f
(memq '(b) '(a (b) c)) => #f
(member '(b) '(a (b) c)) => ((b) c)


menu is posted when a menu item has been selected.

Category UI event
Format (menu id)
idthe id of the menu item
Description menu is the event posted when the user has selected a menu item or invoked a menu command by a command stroke shortcut.


message displays a message box.

Category Native procedure
Format (message obj)
objany object
Description message prints obj using display to a message box (see User message). The return value is #n.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(message "Hello, world") => #n, displays Hello, world in a message box


min returns the smallest of some objects.

Category Library procedure
Format (min comp1 comp2 ...)
compia comparable object
Description min returns the smallest of some objects, according to the < procedure. Note that min handles chars and strings, too. At least one object must be specified.
R4RS Compliance Full and works for strings and characters, too.
(min 50 30 10 80) => 10
(min "Baz" "Foo") => "Baz"


modulo divides two integers and returns the remainder.

Category Library procedure
Format (modulo int1 int2)
int1an integer
int2an integer
Description modulo divides two integer numbers and returns the remainder. The sign of the result is always the sign of the divisor, in contrast to remainder. Division by zero is an error.
R4RS Compliance Full
(modulo 13 4) => 1
(modulo -13 4) => 3
(modulo 13 -4) => -3
(modulo -13 -4) => -1
(modulo 13 0) => error


move moves the graphics cursor.

Category Native procedure
Format (move x y)
xan integer
yan integer
Description move updates the current point stored in *gstate* to (x,y).

See here for details on the graphic state. The return value is #n to avoid trashing the graphics.

R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(move 100 80) => #n updating *gstate*.

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