Category | UI event | ||
Format | (fld-changed id) | ||
Parameters |
Description | fld-changed is the event posted when a field scrolls because the user has selected some text by dragging the pen. |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (fld-copy id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | fld-copy copies the selected text from a field with id id to the system clipboard. The return value is the field id id | .|||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (fld-cut id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | fld-cut copies the selected text from a field with id id to the system clipboard and erases it from the field. The return value is the field id id | .|||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (fld-dirty? id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | fld-dirty? returns #t if the field has been modified (either by the user or functions like FldInsert()) since the text value was set, #f otherwise. | |||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | UI event | ||
Format | (fld-enter id) | ||
Parameters |
Description | fld-enter is the event posted when the user has tapped a field but not yet lifted the pen. |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (fld-get-scroll id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | fld-get-scroll returns the scroll parameter
of a field with id id as a list of 3 integers:
Have a look at the sample program showing the interaction between fields and scrollbars. |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (fld-get-text id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | fld-get-text returns the text of a field with id id as a string. | |||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (fld-paste id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | fld-paste paste text from the system clipboard into the field with id id. If any text was previously selected in the field it will be replaced by the pasted text. Otherwise the text is inserted at the current cursor position. The return value is the field id id | .|||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (fld-scroll id n) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | fld-scroll scroll the UI field with id id by n lines. The field is scrolled down if n is positive, it's scrolled up if n is negative. | The return value is n.||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (fld-set-dirty id obj) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | fld-set-dirty clears the dirty flag of the user interface field id if obj is false and sets it otherwise. The return value is obj. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (fld-set-text id obj) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | fld-set-text prints obj using display formatting conventions and sets the printed text as the contents of the user interface field id. The return value is obj. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (fld-undo id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | fld-undo undoes the last editing operation done to the field with id id. The return value is the field id id | .|||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure (MathLib required) | ||||||
Format | (floor num) | ||||||
Parameters |
Description | floor converts num to a floating point number and returns the largest whole number less than or equal to num. The result is not a LispMe integer, it's a floating point value. | ||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||
Examples |
Category | Library procedure | ||||
Format | (for-each proc list) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | for-each applies proc to each element in list strictly from left to right, ignoring the values returned. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | Supports only one list | ||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure | ||||||
Format | (force prom) | ||||||
Parameters |
Description | force evaluates a promise created by delay. If the promise hasn't already been evaluated, it's evaluated now and the result is memoized. Subsequent forcing of this promise will always return the memoized value. | ||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (frm-alert id [obj1 [obj2 [obj3]]]) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | frm-alert retrieves the alert resource with id
id from the currently open resource databases
and displays it. The alert text may contain upto 3 variables
(^1 ^2 ^3) which are replaced by the arguments
obji, printed verbatim. An alert may contain any number of buttons. The (zero-based) index of the button pressed by the user is returned. An alert is defined in a PalmOS resource compiler script like this: ALERT ID 4711 CONFIRMATION BEGIN TITLE "Really?" MESSAGE "Do you want to delete database ^1? (Size = ^2k)" BUTTONS "Yes" "No" "Don't know" END |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | UI event | ||
Format | (frm-close id) | ||
Parameters |
Description | frm-close is the event posted when a form is closed by frm-goto or by leaving LispMe altogether, but for some strange reasons not by frm-return. |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (frm-get-focus) | |||
Parameters | none | |||
Description | frm-get-focus retrieves the id of the UI element having the focus. If none has, #f is returned. | |||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (frm-get-prop) | |||
Parameters | none | |||
Description | frm-get-prop returns the property list of a form. This list contains LispMe values having the same extent (lifetime) as the current UI form. This functions is intended for debugging, don't modify the list returned! | |||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure | ||||||
Format | (frm-goto [timeout] id handler) | ||||||
Parameters |
Description | frm-goto searches the specified form
id in the currently open resource databases
(see set-resdb)
and displays it after closing the current form. handler is installed as the event handler for the new form but no continuation will be stored. Instead, frm-return will return to the original caller invoking the last frm-popup (this is a tail-call in fact). There's no return value. If specified, timeout must be an integer which is the maximum time (in ticks) to wait until an event arrives. If no event has arrived, the handler is called with a timeout event. This behaviour is useful for background tasks, animations, etc. |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||||
Examples | See here |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (frm-help id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | frm-help retrieves the string with id id from the currently open resource databases and displays it in a standard PalmOS help dialog. The return value is #n. | |||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | UI event | ||
Format | (frm-open id) | ||
Parameters |
Description | frm-open is the event posted when a form is opened by frm-goto or by frm-popup. You should place form initialization code here. Note that drawing of the form is done by LispMe itself, you don't have to do this in the handler. |
Category | Primitive procedure | ||||||
Format | (frm-show [timeout] id handler) | ||||||
Parameters |
Description | frm-popup searches the specified form
id in the currently open resource databases
and pops it up over the current active form, which is not closed. handler is installed as the event handler for the new form, after the continuation of the call has been stored. This continuation will be re-activated, when the event handler of the form executes frm-return, which is also the return value of frm-popup. If specified, timeout must be an integer which is the maximum time (in ticks) to wait until an event arrives. If no event has arrived, the handler is called with a timeout event. This behaviour is useful for background tasks, animations, etc. |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||||
Examples | See here |
Category | Primitive procedure | ||
Format | (frm-return obj) | ||
Parameters |
Description | frm-return terminates and closes the current form and delivers obj to the continuation stored when the corresponding frm-popup was invoked. There's no return value. | ||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||
Examples | See here |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (frm-set-focus id) | |||
Parameters |
Description | frm-set-focus sets the input focus to the user interface element with id id id. The return value is id. | |||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | |||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (frm-show id obj) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | frm-show sets the usable attribute of a user interface element with id id depending on obj where #f means not usable and any other value usable and shows or hides the UI element accordingly. The return value is obj. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | UI event | ||
Format | (frm-title-enter id) | ||
Parameters |
Description | frm-title-enter is the event posted when the user has tapped a form title but not yet lifted the pen. |
Category | UI event | ||
Format | (frm-title-select id) | ||
Parameters |
Description | frm-title-select is the event posted when the user has tapped a form title and released it. |
Category | UI event | ||||
Format | (frm-update id code) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | frm-update is the event posted when the system request that the form has to be re-drawn. In this case, code is 0. This event is also sent by FrmUpdateForm() (currently not supported by LispMe) and code is the parameter given to FrmUpdateForm(). |
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