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Alphabetic catalog of Language elements H


hb-addrecord adds a new record to a HanDBase database.

Category Native procedure
Format (hb-addrecord dbname)
dbnamea string naming a HanDBase database
Description hb-addrecord adds a new record to the HanDBase database dbname. All fields are initialized with default values. The return value is the new record number, which can be used in subsequent calls to hb-setfield to set the field values.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hb-addrecord "Parent") => 33


hb-dir retrieves a list of all HanDBase databases.

Category Native procedure
Format (hb-dir)
Parameters none
Description hb-dir utilizes the HanDBase API to create a list of strings naming all HanDBase databases.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hb-dir) => ("Parent" "Son" "Babilon")


hb-info retrieves information of a particular HanDBase database.

Category Native procedure
Format (hb-info dbname)
dbnamea string naming a HanDBase database
Description hb-info returns a list describing general properties of the HanDBase database dbname. The car of the the list is the total number of records in the database. The cdr is a list of field descriptions. Each field description is a list of 6 components:
  1. The field number in the range 0-29
  2. The field name as a string
  3. The field datatype
  4. The maximum field length
  5. A flag whether to export or print the field
  6. A flag whether the field is visible in the HanDBase record editor
Only fields which are not marked not used are included in this list
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hb-info "Parent") => (10 (0 "Name" 1 41 #t #t) (1 "Age" 2 15 #f #t) (2 "Son" 10 4 #t #t))


hb-getfield reads the value of a field in a specific record of a particular HanDBase database.

Category Native procedure
Format (hb-getfield dbname recnum fldnum)
dbnamea string naming a HanDBase database
recnuman integer denoting a record number
fldnuman integer denoting the field number
Description hb-getfield retrieves the value of the field fldnum in record recnum in the HanDBase database dbname. Regardless of the field's internal "type", it is returned as a string.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hb-getfield "Parent" 7 0) => "Fred"


hb-getlinks gets all records linked to by a specific record of a particular HanDBase database.

Category Native procedure
Format (hb-getlinks dbname recnum fldnum)
dbnamea string naming a HanDBase database
recnuman integer denoting a record number
fldnuman integer denoting the field number
Description hb-getlinks retrieves the record numbers of all records which are linked to from a record recnum in the HanDBase database dbname. The link field number is given by fldnum. The result is a list whose car is the name of the destination database as a string and whose cdr is a list of all record numbers in the destination database the record recnum is linked to.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hb-getlinks "Parent" 7 2) => ("Sons" 4 7 11)


hb-setfield updates a value of a field in a specific record of a particular HanDBase database.

Category Native procedure
Format (hb-setfield dbname recnum fldnum obj)
dbnamea string naming a HanDBase database
recnuman integer denoting a record number
fldnuman integer denoting the field number
objany object
Description obj is printed using display and the resulting string is used to update the field fldnum in record recnum in the HanDBase database dbname. The return value is the object obj itself.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hb-setfield "Parent" 7 0 "who knows?") => "who knows?"


hb-version retrieves the version number of HanDBase.

Category Native procedure
Format (hb-version)
Parameters none
Description hb-version retrieves the version of HanDBase installed. Possible return values are:
  • #f No HanDBase installed.
  • 2 Version 2.xx installed.
  • 3 Version 3.xx installed.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hb-version) => 2


hotsync-info lists information about the HotSync status.

Category Native procedure
Format (hotsync-info)
Parameters none
Description hotsync-info returns detailed information about the last HotSync as a list of 4 items:
  1. the user name
  2. timestamp of last succesfull HotSync
  3. timestamp of last unsuccesfull HotSync
  4. status of last synchronization, see DlkSyncStateType in System/DLServer.h
    0dlkSyncStateNeverSyncednever synced
    1dlkSyncStateInProgresssync is in progress
    2dlkSyncStateLostConnectionconnection lost during sync
    3dlkSyncStateLocalCancancelled by local user on handheld
    4dlkSyncStateRemoteCancancelled by user from desktop
    5dlkSyncStateLowMemoryOnTDsync ended due to low memory on handheld
    6dlkSyncStateAbortedsync was aborted for some other reason
    7dlkSyncStateCompletedsync completed normally
    8dlkSyncStateIncompatibleProductssync ended because desktop HotSync product is incompatible with handheld HotSync
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(hotsync-info) => ("Hooba dooba" 1904-01-01-00-00-00 1904-01-01-00-00-00 0)

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