Category | Primitive procedure | |||||||||
Format | (pair? obj) | |||||||||
Parameters |
Description | pair? returns #t for a non-empty list (a cons-cell) and #f for any other object. | |||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | |||||||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | |||
Format | (peek-char inport) | |||
Parameters |
Description | peek-char reads ahead the next character from the input port inport and returns it, but doesn't advance the input position. If the end of file is reached, a unique end-of-file object (which is recognized by eof-object?) is returned. | |||
R4RS Compliance | The port parameter is not optional. | |||
Examples |
Category | UI event | ||||
Format | (pen-down x y) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | pen-down is the first event posted when the user taps the screen with the pen. This event normally causes other events like lst-enter afterwards. |
Category | UI event | ||||
Format | (pen-move x y) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | pen-move is the event posted when the user moves the pen across the screen. Some kinds of UI element track pen movement by themselves, so you won't see this event. |
Category | UI event | ||||
Format | (pen-up x y) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | pen-up is the event posted when the user lifts the pen from the screen. Some kinds of UI element track pen lifting by themselves, so you won't see this event. |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (pick-color title col) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | pick-color displays the system dialog to let the user select a color. The initial color selected is col. The index of the selected color is returned, or #f if the user canceled the dialog. On systems running older OS versions than 3.5, 0 is returned immediately without displaying a dialog. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (pick-date title date) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | pick-date displays the system dialog to let the user select a date. The initial date selected is date. The new date selected is returned as a date or #f if the user canceled the dialog. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||
Format | (pick-time title time) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | pick-time displays the system dialog to let the user select a time. The initial time selected is time. The new time selected is returned as a time value or #f if the user canceled the dialog. | ||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedure | ||||||
Format | (pick-time-range title time1 [time2]) | ||||||
Parameters |
Description | pick-time-range displays the system dialog to let the user select a time range. The initial start time selected is time1, the initial end time is time2 if specified, or the start time otherwise. The new time range selected is returned as a list of two time values or #f if the user canceled the dialog. | ||||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||||
Examples |
Category | UI event | ||||||||
Format | (pop-select pid lid newsel oldsel) | ||||||||
Parameters |
Description | pop-select is the event posted when the user has selected an item in a popup list. |
Category | Library procedure | |||||||||
Format | (port? obj) | |||||||||
Parameters |
Description | port? returns #t for an input port or an output port and #f for any other object. | |||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | |||||||||
Examples |
Category | Native procedures | ||||||||||||
Formats |
Parameters |
Description | These procedures return the zero-based position of obj in list. If obj is not found, #f is returned. To compare obj with the list elements, position uses equal?, posq uses eq?, and posv uses eqv?. | ||||||||||||
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Library procedure | ||||||
Format | (positive? num) | ||||||
Parameters |
Description | positive? returns #t, if num is positive. Otherwise it returns #f. See also negative? and zero?. | ||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure | |||||||||
Format | (procedure? obj) | |||||||||
Parameters |
Description | procedure? returns #t for a procedure and #f for any other object. Procedures include both closures returned by lambda and continuations created with call/cc | |||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | |||||||||
Examples |
Category | Primitive procedure | ||||||||||||
Format | (promise? obj) | ||||||||||||
Parameters |
Description | promise? returns #t for a promise returned by delay and #f for any other object. It doesn't matter, if the promise has already been forced. | ||||||||||||
R4RS Compliance | Full | ||||||||||||
Examples |
Category | Special form (Compiler extension) | ||||
Format | (pset! (var1 ... varn) expr1 ... exprn) | ||||
Parameters |
Description | pset! evaluates all expressions
expri in an unspecified order
and assigns the values to the corresponding variables
vari. All variables
vari must be
bound (by
let, or
or an error results. The variables are assigned after all expressions have been evaluated. Additionally, this instruction is faster than setting the variables sequentially. The return value is the value of the right-most expression. |
R4RS Compliance | LispMe extension | ||||
Examples |
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