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Alphabetic catalog of Language elements G


gc starts a garbage collection.

Category Native procedure
Format (gc)
Parameters none
Description gc invokes the garbage collector explicitely. The return value is #n.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(gc) => #n


gensym creates a new unique symbol.

Category Native procedure
Format (gensym)
Parameters none
Description gensym creates a new symbol, which is not eq? to any other symbol, no matter if input or created by a different call to gensym. This is guaranteed by using # as its first char, which cannot be input.

Since symbols are not garbage collected, it's possible to fill the entire atom space with this procedure. You should use the Reset heap command in this case.

R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(gensym) => #g0 (first call)
(gensym) => #g147 (several calls later)


get-clipboard-text retrieves the system clipboard.

Category Native procedure
Format (get-clipboard-text)
Parameters none
Description get-clipboard-text retrieves the contents of the system clipboard as a string or returns #f if the clipboard is not readable.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(get-clipboard-text) => "whatever the clipboard contains"


get-output-string retrieves the contents of a string output port.

Category Native procedure
Format (get-output-string port)
porta string output port
Description get-output-string retrieves the string buffer of port (which must be a string output port) containing the accumulated output. You can call this procedure several times without emptying the buffer, but always the same string will be returned, so don't modify it. The port must have been created by open-output-string before.
R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(let ((p (open-output-string)))
  (write (list 'foo 42) p)
  (get-output-string p))
=> "(foo 42)"


get-sys-pref retrieves a value from the system preferences.

Category Native procedure
Format (get-sys-pref n)
na small integer
Description get-sys-pref retrieves a value from the PalmOS system preferences as an integer. The index of the preference value is n, which corresponds to the enumeration SystemPreferencesChoice defined in System/Preferences.h

See also set-sys-pref.

R4RS Compliance LispMe extension
(get-sys-pref 1) => 8
(entry 1 is prefCountry, 8 is cGermany)
(buf-set-u32! "xxxx" 0 (get-sys-pref 23)) => "memo"
(entry 23 is prefHard4CharAppCreator, an AppId which is converted to a String)

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